QuayLink responsibilities

QuayLink is TasPorts’ largest port upgrade project under the Port Master Plan and TasPorts’ largest infrastructure project in a generation. It is designed to modernise and future-proof the Port of Devonport to support the critical role it plays in providing a linkage between Tasmania and mainland Australia.

Delivering QuayLink 

Its origins began in 2016 when SeaRoad announced it was commissioning SeaRoad II, followed by TT-Line’s announcement in 2017 that it intended to replace their two ships. In 2018 we launched the TasPorts Master Plan which addressed the investment required to provide the critical infrastructure needed to enable tourism and trade growth by 40 per cent in Devonport East.

TasPorts is investing $240 million over project QuayLink to deliver this game-changing infrastructure – an investment that reflects our commitment to providing contemporary infrastructure with enhanced technology, safety and operational outcomes for our customers and for the benefit of the State.

As a project, QuayLink consists of a number of works packages, some of which are being delivered by TasPorts while others are being delivered by our exclusive port tenants, viz TT-Line and SeaRoad.  Our $240 million investment covers only TasPorts works, with our port tenants responsible for the cost of their own works. This approach to port development is consistent nationally and internationally, where base infrastructure is delivered by the port, with bespoke terminal infrastructure designed and delivered by the dedicated tenant and operator. 

The works packages address a number of port and berth works.

Port and Marine Services Infrastructure 

This package involves the progressive upgrade of whole of port marine navigation and safety aides by TasPorts to support the outcomes of the respective Non-Standard Vessel Assessment’s undertaken by the Harbour Master. The work consists of upgrades to aides for navigation, vessel monitoring systems and port information instruments. TasPorts is responsible for this package and has delivered the Terminal 2 LiDAR vessel monitoring system along with several port (wind and tide) instrument upgrades.

Terminal 2 Early Works

This work involved the construction of new fendering on berth 2E for the introduction of SeaRoad’s MV Liekut. This work was the responsibility of TasPorts and was completed in time for the introduction of the vessel in April 2021.

Terminal 3 Marine, Wharf and Dredge 

TasPorts is responsible for the marine, dredge and new wharf infrastructure part of this package. Our work commenced in November 2021 and was completed just two days after its scheduled completion date, and 7% under budget. It consisted of dredging (to create a larger berth pocket for the new wharf), construction of land reclamation of 9000sq metres for TT-Line to build their new three-tiered ramp on, and construction of 137m of new wharf infrastructure plus 50m of remediated old wharf infrastructure to create a continuous quay line designed specifically for the new Spirit of Tasmania vessels.  The dredging and land reclamation was completed earlier, in late 2023.

Terminal 3 Tenant Works 

In parallel with TasPorts’ work to Berth 3, Spirit of Tasmania is progressing its own design and procurement activities to commence construction of its portion of the Berth 3 project now that TasPorts’ contractors’ have completed the reclamation area.  Spirit of Tasmania will design and construct the civil (including new hardstands for freight storage and passenger marshalling), marine infrastructure (dolphins to provide foundations for the loading gantry), refuelling infrastructure, ramps and building infrastructure required to service the new ships and facilitate the passenger and freight operations.  TT-Line is responsible for this package of work. 

Terminal 3 Landside Infrastructure

This package consists of base level civil works and high voltage connection works. The base civil works will be constructed by TT-Line as part of TT-Line’s Terminal 3 Tenant Works. The High Voltage substations have been designed and delivered to site and will be installed once TT-Line’s Terminal 3 Civil Works are sufficiently progressed.

Terminal 2 Landside Works

This package consists of civil and service connection works to enable SeaRoad terminal development and expansion. This package is dependent on the completion of TT-Line’s Terminal 3 Tenant Works. Some early works have been completed by TasPorts under this package including property acquisition, building demolition and civil works to enable the overall staging of the port redevelopment. The delivery, scope and responsibility of this work package is being progressed with SeaRoad. 

Terminal 2 Landside Works

This package consists of the marine works to facilitate SeaRoad’s long term marine operations at Terminal 2. This work will involve wharf upgrades (fenders and bollards) and remediation. The delivery, scope and responsibility of this work package is being progressed with SeaRoad.

Terminal 1 Marine and Landside Remediation 

This is the final package of work and involves the remediation of Berth 1E and a small apron for future operations and opportunities. This work pack is dependent on Terminal 1 being vacated by TT-Line and any temporary works for SeaRoad’s respective projects being completed. This work is the responsibility of TasPorts.