QuayLink Construction Charter
The QuayLink development will have some impacts on the local community, the City of Devonport, Bass Strait operators, TasPorts operations and contractors. It is incumbent on all our contractors and sub-contractors to lead by example.
The QuayLink Construction Charter commits those involved in the construction to foster a strong and positive environmental and safety culture in all business activities and protect the health and safety of workers and others affected by the construction work.
To work in the construction industry at any level you must have completed the legislated construction induction training and hold an induction card, also known as a White Card. You may be asked to show your White Card when on site.
Prior to starting work on site, you will need to complete site inductions which inform you of the site hazards, emergency response arrangements and site rules to keep you and others safe. Which inductions you will need to complete will depend on which site you will be working on and the Principal Contractor you are engaged with.
QuayLink Induction
The QuayLink Project will involve construction contractors engaged by TasPorts, TT-Line and SeaRoads.
In addition to undertaking TasPorts, TT-Line, SeaRoad or other contractor inductions, all personnel authorised to work on the QuayLink Project are to complete the online QuayLink Induction prior to working on site.
Select this link to access the induction: QuayLink Project Induction

To complete this induction you will need to provide your mobile phone number, email address and a photo of yourself for identification purposes.
Follow the instructions on the screen. The induction will take about 10 to 15 minutes. The pages are timed and at the end of the induction you can print the PDF Induction Card or save an electronic card to your mobile for presentation on site.
Privacy: The QuayLink induction only collects personal information which allows you to access the online induction and provide verification that you have completed the induction. To inquire about the storage and use of your personal details please email: Quaylink@tasports.com.au
TT Line and SeaRoad Site Inductions
If your work requires you to access a TT-Line or SeaRoad site you will need to complete the TT-Line or SeaRoad induction. Check with your supervisor if you are required to undertake these inductions.
SeaRoad Induction link: SeaRoad Site Safety Induction
The induction requirements and entry into the SeaRoad and TT-Line sites is under the control and at the discretion of SeaRoad and TT-Line.
Contractor Inductions
Contractors may have management and control of their sites and each Contractor is responsible for delivery of their site induction program. Check with your supervisor which Contractor inductions you need to undertake.
TasPorts Maritime Security Induction
The QuayLink landside works is not within the Devonport maritime security zone and there is no need for workers to possess a Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC). However, if you are required to access Western Devonport MSIC controlled areas you must complete the TasPorts ‘MSIC and induction’ induction and have an MSIC.
If you need to access a TasPorts Non-MSIC area (not including the QuayLink Project areas) you will need to complete the TasPorts ‘Induction Only’ induction.
All MSIC queries are to be directed to TasPorts security accesscontrol@tasports.com.au
TasPorts MSIC Induction link: TasPorts MSIC Access and Induction
QuayLink induction matrix
Working in the Port
TasPorts is responsible for efficient management and safe operation of Devonport shipping for all port users. QuayLink contractor’s will be undertaking activities within the working port and need to make themselves familiar to the information and procedures that exist protection of their operations and other port users.
Site rules
The TasPorts Life Saving Rules have been developed after a review of critical incidents that have occurred in our industry. If you determine that a task cannot be carried out safely, do not start or continue to perform the task.
If you observe someone else failing to follow a Rule, please intervene if it is safe to do so.

Working on or under wharf front
Accessing under a wharf or on a wharf front is a hazardous activity. All under and on wharf front activities require communication with TasPorts Vessel Traffic Service (VTS). There is to be no lone worker under or on the wharf front and communications with VTS via a marine VHF radio channel 14 or 16 is always to be maintained.
A specific activity rescue plan is to be developed for under and on wharf front activities. The TasPorts Work Under Wharf diagram can be used as a risk management guide.

Port of Devonport website provide general information about the port, shipping schedule, and Harbour Master Instructions that are active.
Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) issues Devonport Notices to Mariners to alert port users to dangers to navigation and warnings.
Permits to Work
Contractors may have their own Permit to Work system, however, there are specific activities requiring TasPorts approval before the works can commence, these include:
1. Crane or plant on wharf structure
Prior to undertaking any cranage or use of mobile plant on a TasPorts wharf structure an engineering assessment is required. The assessment is to ensure that the crane operation can be safely conducted without exceeding permissible loadings and to advise any restrictions that may apply.
Crane operators apply for the Mobile Crane Permit directly to TasPorts engineering via cranepermit@tasports.com.au THREE business days before work is planned to commence.
The crane permit is an engineering assessment and approval only, the safe operation and use of the crane is to be verified by the Contractor and crane operator.
2. Excavation and Surface Penetrations
Striking buried services or damaging structural reinforcement is a risk to workers, TasPorts, SeaRoads and TT Line.
TasPorts has made available a set of QuayLink Services Maps and the TasPorts Services Location Procedure to be referred to by the Contractor.
Completion of the Contractor Excavation and Penetration Notification assists Contractors in assuring adequate services identification and location is undertaken and approvals from TasPorts are obtained.
TasPorts engineering needs to approve any penetration into a wharf structure.
3. TasPorts Services Isolation
THREE business days prior to works requiring the isolation of a service which TasPorts manage (e.g. electricity, water, sewage, communications) the contractor is to apply for an Isolation Permit.
4. TasPorts Electrical Work
TWO business days prior to undertaking any electrical work (with the exception of extra low voltage) on TasPorts property the contractor is to apply for an Electrical Work Permit. This is in addition to the Isolation Permit.
5. Excavation Material Removal
THREE business days prior to transporting waste material offsite approval must be obtained from the QuayLink Sustainability Environment and Approvals Manager via email to holland.turner@tasports.com.au.
6. Harbour Activities
Works that have the potential to impede or confuse the safe navigation of vessels or if Contractor's work may be affected by the passage or berthing of vessels a Harbour Masters Instruction (HMI) is to be issued before the works can be undertaken.
The Client and Contractor are to provide a draft HMI to the Harbour Master’s office via harbourmaster@tasports.com.au for lodgment and approval THREE business days before the works start.
7. Construction diving
All diving operations are to be carried out in accordance with WHS Legislation. High-risk diving work is to be in accordance with AS/NZS 2299.1:2015 (Occupational Diving Operations– Standard Operational Practice).
THREE business days prior to the start of any diving operation the client and contractor is to complete the Contractor Dive Notification and submit with a Harbour Masters Instruction (HMI) to the Harbour Master’s office via harbourmaster@tasports.com.au THREE business days before the works are planned.
Diving work cannot occur until the approval of the Harbour Master has been granted.
8. Bunkering Vessels
TWO business days
prior to undertaking vessel refuelling/bunkering a vessel contractor is to make an application for liquid transfer using a Non Cargo Liquid Transfer Application for approval by the Port of Devonport via email northernports@TasPorts.com.au.
9. Towing vessels
If a contractor’s vessel is under 35m length and is to tow a barge or other vessel which is also under 35m and where the combined vessels length is in excess of 35m, the vessel master must obtain permission from the Harbour Master. Note: the combined length requirement applies even if the vessels are hipped up alongside.
THREE business days before the works start the contractor is to apply for a Towing Permit from the Harbour Master’s office via harbourmaster@tasports.com.au.
The provision of TasPorts approval to undertake work does not constitute approval of any contractor's works or methods of work.
QuayLink Services Maps
Striking and damaging existing services during earth and construction works is a critical safety and operational hazard. Contractors must use all reasonable precautions to locate existing and unidentified services.
All excavations and ground surface penetration require consulting Before You Dig Australia and the listed QuayLink Services Maps below. Contractors must consider the accuracy and limitations of a map in the ‘Notes’ section of each drawing set.
Field service location verification using appropriate methods (i.e., ground penetrating radar, EM induction, direct connection, hydro vacuum, potholing etc) is to be undertaken prior to undertaking the works. Contractors are to refer to the TasPorts Services Location Procedure.
To assist contractors to locate and identify services whilst working on QuayLink in East Devonport we have provided services maps below. Click on the link to see further information.
QuayLink Services Maps
1. Combined Services (TasPorts)
2. Combined Services (PDA)
3. Electrical
4. Stormwater
6. Sewer
QuayLink Emergency Response
TasPorts is committed to the highest standards of preparedness to ensure its response to emergencies, incidents and crisis is timely, appropriate and effective. TasPorts, SeaRoad and TT-Line have their own emergency response frameworks which can be activated to aid contractors if an emergency or incident occurs.
Contractors are to maintain Emergency Response Plans (ERP), in accordance with WHS legislation and contractual obligations with reference to the QuayLink Emergency Coordination Plan.
Please refer to the QuayLink Emergency Site Plan