Award-winning Bitwise Agronomy

Bitwise Agronomy, from Relbia in Tasmania's north, won the category of Emerging Export as part of the 2022 Tasmanian Exporter Awards. This is their story...


19 October 2022



TasPorts sponsors the Emerging Exporter Award because it believes in impressive, innovative work - and 2022 winner Bitwise Agronomy is exactly that.

From Relbia in Tasmania’s north, the company has been recognised for its grape and berry crop management software, GreenView.

Simply put, GreenView is like a ‘virtual farm’, with artificial intelligence powering data analysis that is far more accurate and thorough than the usual ‘walkthrough’ to assess crop health and yield.

Founder and Bitwise Agronomy Chief Executive Officer Fiona Turner developed the product by combining her passions for technology and viticulture.

“As a farmer, I like to have eyes on my crop and I know that accurate, consistent and reliable data will help us understand variability and improve forecasting,” she said.

“We teamed up with other growers and IT professionals to pursue innovative yield and vine health analysis to facilitate better management decisions.”

Like all great new inventions, GreenView is efficient and easy to use.

Growers use simple off-the-shelf GoPro cameras attached to existing farm machinery and capture video footage when out performing jobs like mulching, mowing or spraying.

The vision is uploaded to the GreenView system to be processed and within 12 to 24 hours, the data comes back with interactive yield calculators, dashboards and maps to help decision making.

Fiona said the result was actionable insights - so growers knew they were doing the right jobs, at the right time, in the right areas - and ultimately improving the yield and profitability of their crops.

“Using the data from GreenView can help managers and growers get workers out into the right area at the right time to perform critical tasks during growing and harvesting, reducing waste and labour costs,” she said.

From humble beginnings in Tasmania, GreenView is now being used in over 70 sites around the world.

Find out more about Bitwise Agronomy’s GreenView.