Contractor Information & Permits to Work

Safety for all workers at TasPorts is a priority.

All work carried out on behalf of TasPorts is governed by relevant Work Health and Safety, Environmental Legislation and TasPorts’ Safety Management System.

Any employees, sub-contractors or other persons operating under the direction of the company must be aware of all TasPorts requirements, including Health, Safety and Environment Site Rules, as well as Security protocols.

These rules are to be adhered to at all times when carrying out work for TasPorts.

Contractor WHS Application

All TasPorts’ contractors must:

  1. Complete the Contractor WHS Approval Application
  2. Provide copies of insurance certificates of currency (minimum - Tasmanian Workers Compensation or Personal Accident Insurance for sole traders and Public Liability insurance.

TasPorts asks that contractors familiarise themselves with TasPorts Policies, Site Rules and Procedures.

These are available for download below.

Contractor Induction

To apply for a TasPorts MSIC or complete an online induction, click here.

Temporary Access Card - Port Application

The Temporary Access Card application form is for MSIC card holders who require frequent access to Bell Bay, Burnie, Devonport or Hobart ports, whose current MSIC Card is not printed on a TasPorts integrated access card.

Temporary Access Card - Airport Application

The Temporary Access Card application form is for ASIC card holders who require frequent access to Devonport Airport, whose current ASIC Card is not printed on a TasPorts integrated access card.

TasPorts Permit to Work

TasPorts requires all employees and contractors to submit relevant work permits prior to undertaking any non-routine and high risk work activities on owned and managed land.

TasPorts Permits are available for download below.

Completed permits should be returned to your relevant TasPorts contact.

Modern Slavery Policy

TasPorts has a strong commitment to social responsibility. In formulating and delivering our business strategy we take into our account our responsibility to the community, environment, our people and our clients.

This Policy is endorsed by TasPorts' board and senior management, who have ultimate responsibility for its implementation. References in this Policy to TasPorts include a reference to all of TasPorts' subsidiaries.

The purpose of this Policy is to:

  • ensure that the goods and services purchased through our supply and value chains are ethical and minimise or eradicate modern slavery risks;
  • set out the responsibilities of TasPorts, our employees, operations and suppliers in observing and upholding TasPorts' position on modern slavery; and
  • provide information and guidance to our employees and contractors on how to recognise and deal with modern slavery issues.

You can find previous versions of our Modern Slavery Statement below: