
EcoPorts is the main environmental initiative of the European port sector. It was initiated by a number of proactive ports in 1997 and has been fully integrated into the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) since 2011.

The founding principle of EcoPorts is to create a level playing field on environment through cooperation and sharing of knowledge between ports.

Through EcoPorts certification, aligned with ISO 14001, enabling TasPorts to benchmark its performance against ports around the world. With more than 105 ports across the 25 countries certified to date the overarching principle of EcoPorts is to raise awareness of environmental protection through cooperation and sharing of knowledge between ports and improvement of environmental management.

Achieving EcoPorts certification for the four major ports of Bell Bay, Burnie, Devonport and Hobart forms an important element for TasPorts’ environmental and sustainability practices.

Certification of the Port of Devonport was achieved in August 2023, with submission underway for the ports of Bell Bay, Burnie and Hobart.

EcoPorts certification documentation

Port of Devonport

Port of Burnie

Port of Hobart

Port of Bell Bay

Port of Devonport_Main
TPD050121 236
TPD040220 447