Campbell Cove wreck recovery attempt update

After the successful salvage of wrecked tug York Cove on Sunday 7 August, TasPorts are preparing for the salvage of Campbell Cove.


08 August 2022

After the successful salvage of the wrecked tug, the York Cove, from the Mersey River, preparatory works were undertaken today (8 August) for the salvage of the Campbell Cove wreck.

TasPorts’ insurer, Shipowners, and salvor United Salvage, with support from TasPorts, oversaw preparatory works today for an initial lift attempt tomorrow (9 August).

TasPorts chief operating officer Stephen Casey said due to the complexities experienced yesterday, the decision had been made to start the second lift on Tuesday, with the flexibility to carry the work over into Wednesday if required.

“This approach gave the team additional time today to prepare for what we expect will be a more complex lift given the way the Campbell Cove is positioned on the bed of the Mersey River,” he said.

Mr Casey said the lift of the first tug at the weekend was a slow and steady exercise.

“The first lift was made complex by a series of factors including lifting methodology, weather and river currents that have been affected by recent rain, and the condition of the wrecks themselves in the water.,” he said.

“In planning and executing the second lift, just as was the case with the first lift, our Insurer the Shipowners Club, United Salvage, TasPorts and the operators of the AAL Melbourne will be working to manage the safety of all personnel involved in the salvage operation and those working on and around the Port of Devonport.”

“Ensuring the protection of the environment and the integrity of the oil spill response boom around the wreck site is maintained will also be a key focus.”