Direct Shipping Route Commences

Direct Trans-shipping Route between Tasmania and New Zealand commenced last week with Muntgracht receiving the first shipload of cargo at the Port of Devonport


21 November 2022

TasPorts was pleased to welcome general cargo vessel, Muntgracht at the Port of Devonport last week for new customer, BioMar Pty Ltd.

The visit of Muntgracht marked the activation of a new direct shipping service between Tasmania and New Zealand, with BioMar exporting the first shipload of fish feed bags bound for our trans-Tasman neighbourrs.

BioMar commenced operations in early 2020 developing an aquaculture feed mill facility in Wesley and is one of Tasmania’s largest fish food producers, with a state-of the-art mill processing raw materials into high performance food for salmon, trout, prawns and other farmed marine species.

BioMar Australia announced the introduction of a new direct trans-shipping route between the Port of Devonport and a trio of New Zealand ports, with the support from the Tasmanian Government.

The direct trans-shipping route has been highly anticipated and will ensure faster and more efficient processes for the producer and the customer in New Zealand.

The new route will provide the opportunity for Tasmanian exporters to reach new markets, reduce costs, time and complexities allowing them to focus on what they do best, and become more competitive globally.

It is a major boost for Tasmanian businesses who are seeking shipping to our trans-Tasman neighbour as well as those seeking expansion opportunities.