Next generation of TasPorts' employees

TasPorts employees have work closely with East Devonport Primary School teachers to deliver a learning experience about Tasmania's port system.


07 December 2022

No one should be surprised if in a few years’ time students from the East Devonport Primary School put their hands up for a career in the Tasmanian Ports system.

TasPorts, with specific reference to the Quaylink project at East Devonport, recently partnered with the school for an initiative called “Month of the Port, the Port of Devonport” to kick off a longer-term schools’ program.

CEO Anthony Donald said more than a dozen TasPorts’ employees worked closely with the school’s teachers to provide a learning experience about Tasmanian ports via the science. literacy and art curriculums.

“Our employees visited the school to speak to students about the work they do and why they love it, what inspires them to come to work each day and how they enjoy working as a team” he said.

“They talked about safety, design, engineering, being a marine pilot, protecting the environment, communications and designing and building boats.

“The students also participated in an art challenge imagining the boats of the future with the more than 260 resulting artworks now on display.”

Mr Donald said introducing the next generation of potential TasPorts’ employees to day-to-day port activities and available professions and trades was a positive initiative that everyone benefited from.

“TasPorts wants to build better relationships with schools and organisations in the communities in which we operate,” he said.

“This is a perfect and highly successful example of that and it helps build capacity for the wider community.”

Article originally published in The Advocate, 07 December 2022.

Image credit - Eve Woodhouse, The Advocate Newspaper.