Port of Stanley works progressing

The largest project investment at the Port of Stanley since 2006 gathers pace.


23 September 2022

Work on the $1.5m floating pontoon at the Port of Stanley in the State’s north west is continuing to gather pace with the recent laying of the 16-tonne precast concrete panel (the landside connection point of the gangway) and the progression of the sheet pile wall replacement in Fisherman’s Dock.

The finished project will see the installation of a recreational floating pontoon facility, as well as the replacement of approximately 50 metres of the sheet pile wall in Fisherman’s Dock with a rock revetment.

The project is the largest project investment by TasPorts at the Port of Stanley since its amalgamation in 2006 and its commencement is a clear demonstration of TasPorts’ ongoing commitment to the Port of Stanley and its community.

Tasmanian-owned company BridgePro Engineering is the principal contractor and TasPorts is working with it to deliver the project later this year.