TasPorts’ Supporting Communities

TasPorts is proud to support communities surrounding our port operations and across Tasmania. Here are some of the projects that have been completed in the past three months.


24 November 2022

Australian Society of Marine Artists

Last week, a group of ten artists from Australian Society of Marine Artists - ASMA visited Hobart and spent 6 days travelling aboard The Lady Nelson, enjoying a six-day artists' residency and learning more about sailing a heritage ship.

The artists will now further develop their works and host an exhibition at the Australian Wooden Boat Festival in February 2023.

Low Head Community Garden

In mid-2022, the Low Head Community Garden was awarded a $5,000 grant to build a greenhouse to allow plants to be grown year-round. Thanks to their community of volunteers, this is now complete and features some beautiful stained glass windows donated by a thrifty local.

Kathy and Joan from Low Head Community Garden said that; 'the completed greenhouse has made a fantastic addition to the garden. It has become the feature piece of the extended garden and already houses a significant number of seedlings and will be an ongoing and permanent essential part of the garden for all involved.'

Australian Antarctic Festival

TasPorts recently supported the Australian Antarctic Festival through our Community Grant Program, hosting the Penguin Rookery at MAC 02, which played home to around 8,000 penguins painted and decorated by students from 150 primary schools from across Tasmania and Antarctic Treaty Nations.

Well-known Australian author and illustrator, Alison Lester also joined the event as the very special artist in residence to create a large penguin mural.

George Town Neighbourhood House

The George Town Neighbourhood House recently resurfaced its concrete floor, a project they have been hoping to complete since 2018.

Thanks to the TasPorts Community Grant Program, a contribution of $5,000 towards the project saw the shed floor receive a new epoxy finish, with the area used for a range of popular activities including after-school care, social events, food relief and men's sessions. Jessica from the GTNH said, 'the floor looks amazing and has lifted the spirits of our attendees. It has made them feel a sense of achievement and pride.'

Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania

The TasPorts Maria Island Race is one of the designated qualifying ocean races for the famous Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and was held on Friday, November 11. Congratulations to the winner of all three handicap divisions, Kraken 42S, and to AdvantEdge PD147, the race's Line Honours Winner.

Eligible organisations are encouraged to consider applying for the next round, with $50,000 of funding available in April 2023, with applications open on 1 February 2023.

For more information, please visit Community Grant Program.