TasPorts Stakeholder Update | Weather Event #4

TasPorts is continuing to actively monitor the weather event impacting Tasmania and is acting to ensure the safety of its port users, vessels and port infrastructure across the State.


14 October 2022


TasPorts is continuing to actively monitor the weather event impacting Tasmania and is acting to ensure the safety of its port users, vessels and port infrastructure across the State.




Port of Devonport

Suspended - until Monday 17 October 2022

Next update 1130 on 15 October 2022

Burnie Port

Open – to commercial shipping


Bell Bay

Open – to commercial shipping



Open – to commercial shipping



  • Harbour Master Instruction 22-66 Port of Devonport – Suspension of Port Movements remains in force.
  • The Harbour Master is reviewing this instruction twice daily and providing updates to TasPorts and port users.
  • The latest update provided at 4.30pm today states that due to updated forecast information and return to service preparations, it is anticipated that suspension of commercial shipping will remain in force until Monday am (17 October 2022).
  • Click here to view the update which also contains the triggers that will guide decision-making around the resumption of commercial movements in the Port of Devonport.
  • The Mersey River is still subject to a major flood warning and there’s obvious, significant debris in the Port of Devonport (noting what’s under the water level may not be able to be identified until a hydrographic survey is completed).
  • The next step involves the engagement of hydrographers to check for obstructions that might be hazardous to propulsion systems as well as changes in sea floor that may create an issue for vessel clearances.
  • Once considered, the triggers will enable TasPorts to enact its recovery plan to return the port to full operations.
  • All other ports remain open to shipping noting increased river flows at the port of Bell Bay are being monitored closely and have resulted in some changes to shipping windows.
  • We will continue to communicate directly with commercial shipping customers and to monitor the situation.