TasPorts Stakeholder Update | Weather Event Notice #7

TasPorts recognises the urgency for reopening critical supply chains and passenger access within the Port of Devonport and is undertaking return to service preparation ahead of recommencing commercial shipping in balance with the need to ensure the safety of port users, vessels and port infrastructure.


16 October 2022


TasPorts recognises the urgency for reopening critical supply chains and passenger access within the Port of Devonport and is undertaking return to service preparation ahead of recommencing commercial shipping in balance with the need to ensure the safety of port users, vessels and port infrastructure.


  • Harbour Master Instruction 22-66 Port of Devonport – Suspension of Port Movements remains in force.
  • Click here for the latest Harbour Master update issued at 8 am this morning noting that due to updated forecast information and return to service preparations, the suspension of shipping is being closely monitored.
  • The recovery operation on Saturday 15 October cleared the port of significant debris and recreational vessels that broke from moorings during the peak of the flood.
  • A marine survey of the channel, berth pockets and swing basin identified a number of areas of blockage and submerged hazards that presented additional risk to large commercial shipping.
  • Specialist equipment has now removed some of these obstructions including a significant one that was on the seabed in the middle of the shipping channel.
  • TasPorts’ tug Wilga (which was relocated to Burnie during flood is event) is currently on her way back to Devonport to be in position ready to assist vessel movements when clearance is provided.
  • While TasPorts’ focus has been on ensuring the safety of port users, vessels and port infrastructure, it equally recognises the urgency for reopening critical supply chains and passenger access.
  • There are currently no flood warnings for the Mersey River.
  • All other ports remain open to shipping.