TasPorts Stakeholder Update | Weather Update Notice #3

TasPorts is continuing to actively monitor the weather event impacting Tasmania and is acting to ensure the safety of its port users, vessels and port infrastructure across the State.


14 October 2022

TasPorts is continuing to actively monitor the weather event impacting Tasmania and is acting to ensure the safety of its port users, vessels and port infrastructure across the State.




Port of Devonport

Suspended - until Sunday 16 October 2022

Next update 4pm 14 October 2022

Burnie Port

Open – to commercial shipping


Bell Bay

Open – to commercial shipping



Open – to commercial shipping



  • Harbour Master Instruction 22-66 Port of Devonport – Suspension of Port Movements remains in force.
  • The Harbour Master reviews this instruction twice daily and provides updates to TasPorts and port users.
  • Debris and several displaced watercrafts are now observed in the Port of Devonport.
  • TasPorts’ Incident Management Team is assessing the current hazards and risks before determining a plan to support their safe removal.
  • At the same time the Harbour Master is working to develop a process (including identifying appropriate triggers) to guide decision making to inform the resumption of commercial movements in the Port of Devonport.
  • Upon receiving confirmation of the resumption of commercial movements, TasPorts will then be able to enact their recovery plan to return the port to full operations.
  • All other ports remain open to normal commercial shipping with both under careful watch pending any changes in circumstance that might require escalation.
  • We will continue to communicate directly with commercial shipping customers and to monitor the situation.


  • For emergency help in flooding and storms call the SES on 132 500.
  • In a life-threatening emergency call Triple Zero (000).
  • TT Line is communicating directly with passengers about service disruptions.