TasPorts supports careers expo for future jobs

Boosting awareness about career options in the renewable energy sector, and related fields, in Tasmania's north.


27 September 2022

TasPorts is pleased to join the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone (BBAMZ) team to boost the level of awareness about career options in the renewable energy sector.

The expo is introducing Tasmanian students and job seekers to a possible career in renewable energy and related fields.

The TasPorts Renewables and TCF Hospitality Careers Expo today is a hands-on event allowing those who attend to engage with, amongst other things, hydrogen electrolysers and fuel cells, and an advanced welding simulator.

TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald said the overall aim was to show those interested in renewable energy-based and / or hospitality careers the scope of career options that were, or shortly would be, available in these sectors.

“Speaking specifically about ports that already provide an extensive range of career options, the company is clearly interested in renewable energy employment given our Renewables Energy Hub initiative at Bell Bay,” he said.

“This actively supports the Tasmanian Government’s Renewable Hydrogen Action Plan and the State’s renewable energy target of 200 per cent renewables by 2040.

“The Bell Bay, George Town and wider northern Tasmanian region has the opportunity to expand into hydrogen production, decarbonise our gas network, optimise bioenergy and potential for geothermal and offshore wind resources.

“Jobs in renewable energy are jobs for the future, and we need to be ready to fill them.”