TasPorts vision for the Port of Burnie

TasPorts has released a major initiative to develop a critical export gateway at the Port of Burnie which will lay the foundation for exponential growth in Tasmanian mineral exports to global markets.


13 August 2020

TasPorts has released a major initiative to develop a critical export gateway at the Port of Burnie which will lay the foundation for exponential growth in Tasmanian mineral exports to global markets.

TasPorts CEO Anthony Donald said that the Burnie Export Gateway initiative will bring significant trade and economic benefits to the State.

“This initiative will lay the foundation for exponential growth in Tasmania mineral exports to global markets, enabling capacity for larger vessels to berth and ensuring fit-for-purpose terminal infrastructure,” Mr Donald said.

In August 2018 TasPorts released its Port Master Plan to guide a coordinated, state-wide vision for the future of Tasmania’s multi-port system. The Port of Burnie was identified as a key component of Plan, with significant opportunity identified to enable growth in bulk mineral exports, along with scope to develop an international container terminal.

Following industry engagement over the last two years, TasPorts has evolved its planning culminating in the release today of the Burnie Export Gateway Initiative.

“Importantly, this initiative will enable exponential growth across multiple mineral exports, dry bulk cargo, forestry products and international containers to global markets, over a 30-year horizon,” Mr Donald said.

“TasPorts understands that working alongside industry is critical in ensuring this infrastructure is aligned to market demand, both in terms of volume growth and timing.

“The next step is to further engage with industry to develop a compelling business case, which will deliver benefits to the industry and the State of Tasmania,” Mr Donald said.

“TasPorts is committed to giving its stakeholders and community the confidence that it is actively future-proofing the State’s critical multi-port system.”