Port Charges

TasPorts Schedule of Port Charges details its pricing for port fees at all Tasmanian Ports, including King Island, Flinders Island and Devonport Airport.

This Schedule of Port Charges sets out fees for some of the services provided by TasPorts and is effective from 1 July 2024.

TasPorts may issue a revised Schedule of Port Charges at any time. The following notice periods will apply:

  • For revisions of pricing taking effect on 1 July of any year, TasPorts will endeavour to publish by 31 May in that year.
  • Revisions of pricing within a financial year will be advised to Port Users 60 days before the date of effect and published with at least 30 days’ notice of effect.

The Schedule of Port Charges applies to standard services offered in the absence of any other agreement with Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd to the contrary. Fees for non-standard services will be applied in accordance with any Port Services Agreement in place with the relevant customer. If a Port User's access request involves new capital investment, then the price information in the Schedule of Port Charges document may require adjustment.

All services provided by TasPorts including, but not limited to, the services referred to in this Schedule are provided subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions of Port Access which are available on the TasPorts website.

Except to the extent implied by law, no representations or warranties are made by TasPorts as to the content, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this Schedule or to the interpretations, deductions or conclusions, inferred from or arising out of this Schedule other than the amount of the fees.